Saturday, February 24, 2007

Featured Creatures Wedding

Many months ago the Shelter's green space outside (and the facility) was offered to me as a wedding site in partial jest. More and more, I am thinking about the roads not taken in terms of wedding things I will never be able to do. For example, I would love to have my girls at the wedding. Alas, they are not dogs and wouldn't be allowed anyway because after all, I'm doing business in Berkeley. Let's just say, the experience would probably rank right up there with going to the vet in their minds.

But involving animals might be just the answer we need for those expecting a more traditional wedding. Zoe's dog Smackwater Jack would be an usher, Pasha would be the [grumpy] Matron of Honor and Joule, would be our flower girl? Weed, bug and salamander chasing skills are a very important and tranferrable skill in dealing with flowers, except that we're doing business in Berkeley so there won't be any flowers tossed about.

What's most interesting is I was searching on Flickr for fun photos and coincidentally, when you search on Pagan wedding and when you search on cats and weddings, you intersect at this same wedding of Cat and Pete- with their Pagan ceremony and her luscious green gown. Best I can tell is they had a handfasting last September in Norfolk, Virginia.
Surprisingly a "dogs, weddings" search comes up with a lot less than I'd expect as well. Is it wedding photographers who've locked up the artistic skills here? Here's a lovely one except that that dog wasn't part of the party. Maybe my search skills are leaving things to be desired.
In the end, it's really horses that get all the wedding PR- pulling the carriage, riding in on a white horse, etc. I adore horses. Left up to me, at this moment, our wedding would either be a shelter-raising wedding (like the house-raising they filmed in Witness) or a theatre-raising wedding- Oakland used to have lots of these and many were torn down but we still have a few lovely ones left from the turn of the century. We'd all show up in tool belts to go build something awesome. Is that the definition of a "service wedding?"

1 comment:

Amy K said...

I do like the idea of a theater raising wedding.