Saturday, March 03, 2007

Spice Rack Face

My girlfriend Anna is taking my face through an abbreviated "boot camp" to prepare for the wedding. My care regimen is longer than ever at night and in the morning, but the results have been worth the discipline. She only wishes we started 6 months ago...

Typically I come to see Anna's skin care salon for waxing- a far cry from the olfactory and tactile delight you experience from being bathed in lavender water with a warm washcloth, steamed, and cleansed with delicious and fragrant chamomile and lemon cleansers and massaged. And with hardly any attention my decolletage has also cleared up and improved as a result of the neck and shoulder massages.

Anna has brought the Ilike (Szep Elet), Peter Thomas Roth, and Christina of Israel product lines to bear on my troubled skin. Ilike in particular has products derived from rose, nettle, lemon- a feast for the skin. Most interesting is that Hungary, seems to be a seat of innovation in this type of product. Given what it says on the Szep Elet site about what exists in that part of the world, perhaps one of those Eastern European spas will be where David and I venture on our second leg of the honeymoon (we wanted to try to visit Slovakia and Slovenia anyway, the home my now passed father's parents came from at the turn of the century). Interstingly, Peter Thomas Roth himself is the child of Hugarian parents. This part of the world that seems to birth such wonderful innovation?

The organic, all natural movement has embraced not just our food chain (as we struggle to re-educate ourselves about where our food comes from). Thankfully, we're starting to put these efforts into products that touch our bodies. It's a strange fusion- we create tons of toxins and all these salves and potions to rid ourselves of them. What a world for our children this will be indeed! A couple of loops perhaps need closing, don't you think?

But the process hasn't been painless. To get my skin looking healthier, the journey has included some discomfort to help rid my skin of comedones. I've now had two intense facials with ingredients intended to stimulate circulation to my skin. The first was paprika layered with blended fruit pulps. Holy paprika Batman! Most recently, it was another Christina product containing capsicum combined with a blend of glycolic and salicylic acid. An Israeli product vs. Hungarian. Innovation has the darnedest ingredients! Having all this done makes me feel like the most pampered...skillet, cup of tea, or piece of raw meat.

The eternal quest to find out where the products that touch our skin come from and why they work so well. Hail the magic ingredients: sulfur and glycolic and salicylic acid.

Both photos by me. OK, OK. My face layered on the spice rack image. It has 57% opacity in Photoshop. Happy now? Pretty simple really.

1 comment:

Rachel Medanic said...

For those not seeing what they need, my eye is over the Oregano and my nostril appears on the paprika bottle. My mouth is running vertically along the cinnamon bottle's right side.