Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Heed the Seamstress

As the inaugural post for our wedding blog, named for a likely forecast we will be facing in anticipation of our wedding day on March 18, 2007, I bring you the first in a list of stories and adventures of the next few months.

Up until now, plans have gone smoothly- we have a photographer, a likely caterer, officiant, ceremony and reception site, lead musician. Today took an unexpected turn. My journey to Britex Fabrics in San Francisco today was about a month too late.

Months ago, I'd gotten three fabric samples that fit my vision for what I wanted the seamstress to pull together to augment the wedding dress (which is not white). Returning today for the one that I liked best ($95 a yard) with a lovely silvery tone and tiny faux pearls sewn on it, I found I'd been pre-empted by a sale. The fabric I wanted was no where in the store to be found. So I chose the above alternate ($195 a yard). Youch!

To their credit the store manager wasn't certain whether the one I wanted would be re-ordered and, the store has no return policy. So I bit the bullet and I decided to go with the above at the significantly higher price. Italian silk; she promised I wouldn't be sorry. To the store's credit- they did give me a 10% discount for the unanticipated switcheroo. My mind returns to the advice the seamstress gave- buy it when you see it and don't delay. It's a repeat theme- how many beautiful clothes or bargains I've missed the boat on because I didn't seize the day.

1 comment:

Amy K said...

Oh it is lovely! I can't wait. Are you having a bridal party? If so, what will they wear?

I'm getting swept up in your excitement!
