Tuesday, January 02, 2007

My Precious

Rachel: have you ever wondered about the power of jewelry? Not just the stereotypical lust after gorgeous this and that and x carat and whatnot...but the power that isn't too often talked about- that psychic residue that sometimes sits on things or places? The left Apollo finger tradition of wedding rings has been subjected to a modernity and a melting pot that has made things come out all ways- we are a personalized, customized society for sure- the one thing I haven't yet seen is a wedding nose ring- but I'm sure somebody out there is on it!

Dave: There just aren't that many symbols I see every day that are MINE. You wake up in the morning, and it's there. People treat you differently when they see it.

Rachel: Some people can't tell that my engagement ring is not a wedding ring. They think I'm married already, and for economy of words, when people see me and Dave together, they refer to him as "my husband." Fiance is in fact, an annoying, rather long French word.

Dave: Yeah, but that even happened when we were just dating. You don't see late 30-somethings in the scene all that often (unless they're second-timers like me). The ring makes the confusion more common though.

Rachel: I'm mid. Not LATE.

Dave: Ooo, thin ice.... I stand corrected. Do I owe you a dollar?

Rachel: He's training up pretty nice, don't you think. clever Boy. Most excellent! Now may I take your paw in marriage Darling?> (Whenever he corrects my pronunciation, I charge him a dollar- because he often thinks he knows about such things when he doesn't necessarily. Hard as it may be to live with for these many forthcoming years, he's right a lot- which is a bitch. I got smart and stopped that rash behavior the minute I knew we were more than just dating.

So, ahem, to get back to the subject of rings- which is a hard thing to do with all Dave's corrections and edits - a good 20 minutes worth mind you!!- that have come across this poor laptop since we started this blog entry.

Paired in love, perhaps we are not destined to work together. I make up words. He want to economize and link them to other things on the Web. I could care less what readers think (to a point), he's busy editing me right now even as I type. Will these two lovebirds and their rings ever make peace? Perhaps there is a way. Oh, and to a place you'll love as well honey- a path within the domain!! Whee!!

Dave: I edit my own writing even more heavily than I do other people's. It's a wonder I publish anything at all. But I do like the lemniscate. Better still, the lovers? Bedtime for me. Night, love.

Rachel: Are you going to capitalize that "l" or what? . Eats shoots and leaves people, we've critiqued ourselves to sleep!

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